Slow iPhone Wi-Fi? Speed Up iOS Wireless Connections ... 2011年12月16日 - Speed Up iOS Wireless Connections with Faster DNS Servers. ... iPhone 5 Wi-Fi Problems Fixed By Manual DNS Settings · iOS 4.1 on iPhone ...
Fix iOS App Store Wi-Fi Speed Issue on iPhone 5 By DNS ... Learn how to fix the strange Wi-Fi speed issues on your iPhone 5 when trying to download apps from the App Store.
iPhone 5 / iOS 6: Improve Wi-Fi Speed (incl. Public DNS) - YouTube In this episode, I give 3 tips on how to improve the wi-fi performance of the iPhone 5 as well and other iOS 6 devices. The tips are as follows: 1. Reset network devices 2. Point device to Google Public DNS 3. Update Wi-Fi router firmware If you found thi
Slow iOS iPhone / iPad Wifi Connection? Reset, Change and Flush DNS Network Cache There are times when you brand new iPad Wifi connection appears to be slow, certain website tends loads slower than the other especially Facebook. Initiall ... Started in year 2006, Geckoandfly grew from strength to strength to be one of the many popular
Change Your IP Address and DNS server on the iPhone iPod touch or iPad - YouTube Changing your iPhone's Ip address has many uses, but what you may not know is that changing your DNS servers can also have uses. Pros to changing Ip & DNS You can add custom rules for your iOS device in your router You Can Block Certain Sites From Particu
True 3G/Wi-Fi Speed Boost!! - SiNfuL iPhone True 3G/Wi-Fi Speed Boost!! Misc ... I entered initially and then added by enabling DNSCrypt within the settings... meaning you're still gettin that DNS encryption even tho you're going thru google's servers so that helps the NSA sn
How to Change DNS Settings on iPhone & iPad How to Change DNS Settings on iPhone & iPad ... If you’re connecting to your home / office router via WiFi: DNS servers should be specified in the router settings, and every device on the local network should have its DNS pointing to the (internal) IP add
How to Change Your iPhone's DNS Servers | Macinstruct Just like in Mac OS X, you can change the DNS servers on your iPhone. This can significantly speed up Safari and other iPhone apps that use the Internet. For a general introduction to DNS, and to learn why you would want to change the DNS servers on your
How to Change DNS Settings on iPhone & iPad - OS X Daily 2014年8月8日 - How to Change DNS Settings on iPhone & iPad. ... If you're connecting to your home / office router via WiFi: DNS servers should be specified in ...
How to Change Your iPhone's DNS Servers | Macinstruct 2013年4月8日 - Just like in Mac OS X, you can change the DNS servers on your iPhone. This can significantly speed up Safari and other iPhone apps that use ...